
Caring for Resin Dental Restorations

Composite resin is one of the most common and useful material for restoring damaged teeth. This means most people with dental fillings have the material in their mouth. However, you must take care of your restorations to avoid their deterioration. Here are some tips for taking care of resin restorations. Care for Your Teeth as Usual First, you should care for your restored teeth just as you normally do for your normal teeth. Read More 

Methods To Improve Your Oral Health To Make Your Dental Check-Ups More Enjoyable

Visiting your dentist, someone from a place like Couchman Center for Complete Dentistry, throughout the year does not have to be a chore or something you dread. A check-up with your dentist is a time when your teeth are cleaned of any build-up and then checked by your dentist to make sure there are no health problems to your teeth, gums, or inside your mouth, and dental patients that have a healthier mouth and oral history are found to enjoy going to the dentist more than those with bad oral health. Read More 

How To Shake Off The “Grog” From Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is an excellent tool for calming anxious patients and helping them fall asleep for major procedures. If you are about to be sedated for the first time, you should know that you will be very groggy when you start to come out of sedatives you were given. This is totally normal, and precisely why your dentist requests that you have someone to drive you home. However, if you want to speed up the metabolization and elimination of the sedatives so that you can feel less fuzzy-headed and more alert, you can do one or more of the following. Read More 

Teeth Whitening; Who Is It For And Why Do They Do It

Wanting to have bright, white teeth is common for a lot of people. Our day to day food choices make it hard to keep teeth from becoming a little dingy and stained. The following can help you understand the teeth whitening process a little more. Who Wants White Teeth Anyway? There was a time when the only people that cared about having their teeth whitening where models and actors, but since the technology to whiten teeth have become so accessible, it has open the door for anyone to have their teeth whitened. Read More 

Combining Dental Implants With Different Missing Tooth Replacement Techniques

If you've lost several teeth, you might feel as if getting multiple dental implants is outside your budget. This can leave you in a situation where you feel like there is no way to use implants to permanently restore your smile. Thankfully, you do not need to go all in with dental implants with an implant for each missing tooth, since the procedure can be combined with other techniques to fix a smile. Read More