When you are considering which option is the best for replacing your missing tooth, you will want to consider whether you are okay with the number of checkups and the level of aftercare required to ensure that your dental implants become a success.
Caring For Your Dental Implants
How long your dental implants last will depend on how well you care for them. Dental implants can be cared for using traditional tools such as toothbrushes, floss and mouthwash.
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If you have a child who is nervous about attending a dental checkup, he or she might act in a manner that makes the entire visit to the pediatric dentist's office unpleasant for everyone. Dental phobia is something that many children experience, but the solution isn't to simply avoid the dentist. Children should typically visit the dentist twice per year, but there's no need to have to dread these two dates circled on your calendar.
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If multiple problems were cited during your last dental appointment, there are things you can do to improve the outcome of your next visit. Protecting your oral health by brushing and flossing regularly is important, but there are additional precautions you can take to improve your oral health.
The health of your teeth and gums is largely dependent on the cleanliness of your mouth. Plaque, which contains food particles and oral bacteria, sticks to the surface of your teeth.
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You probably already know that your premature baby may face medical issues that result from an early birth and low weight. What you may not know is that your child may experience dental issues as a result of prematurity as well. Because teeth don't begin to show until months after birth, many parents don't make the connection between their child's teeth and their prematurity. Knowing what conditions are linked to premature birth can help you to be prepared ahead of time.
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Have you noticed that your mouth is often dry lately? This is not a symptom you should ignore, since a dry mouth is very appealing to the bacteria that causes tooth decay. The first step in dealing with the issue is to identify the likely cause of your mouth dryness, so you can treat it properly. Here's a look at three common causes of mouth dryness.
Many medications cause dry mouth as a side effect.
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