3 Instances Your Child Should See A Dentist

Dental care for your child is extremely important. When dental care starts early in life, it betters the chances of them having good oral health as they grow, and into adulthood. To achieve optimal oral health, one of the best things you can do is have your child see a dentist.

If you're not sure when your child should see a dentist, here are three instances they should. 

1. Your Child's Routine Dental Visit 

The first instance your child should see a dentist is for a routine dental visit. These visits should take place every six months. You may wonder why your child may need to see a dentist so frequently. The primary reason for this is to detect tooth decay. If tooth decay is caught early enough, there are ways to prevent it from spreading, or from turning into a cavity.

If your child has an early onset of tooth decay, the dentist might recommend one of the following kinds of treatment: 

  • Prescribe fluoride in the form of tablets or a mouth rinse.
  • Recommend a better tooth brushing schedule.
  • Apply dental sealants to the chewing surfaces of the teeth.

As you can see, having your child see a dentist on a regular basis can be one of the best ways to prevent cavities. 

2. Your Child Exhibits Certain Symptoms 

Another instance your child should see a dentist is if they are experiencing certain symptoms. Your child should see a dentist if their gums begin to bleed when they floss or brush, or your child experiences tooth sensitivity to hot or cold items. Both of these symptoms might indicate an early onset of gum disease.

Other symptoms that may require a trip to the dentist include: 

  • Discolored teeth 
  • White spots on the teeth 
  • Mild tooth pain 
  • Bad breath 

While these symptoms usually aren't cause for alarm, they should be checked out by a dentist as soon as possible. 

3. Your Child Experiences a Dental Emergency 

Another instance your child should see a dentist is if they experience a dental emergency. One example of a dental emergency is a broken tooth. If your child doesn't see a dentist right away, the damaged tooth could get worse, which might be harder and more expensive to fix.

Emergency dental care for kids is also necessary if your child has tooth pain that doesn't respond to over-the-counter pain medications. Excessive bleeding of the gums, a swollen jaw, or pus around a tooth also constitute a dental emergency.  

For more information about emergency dental care for children, contact a local professional. 
