When Is A Dental Extraction Necessary?
A dental extraction is more commonly known as having teeth pulled. Some people assume that dental extractions are painful, but that isn't always the case. Dental extractions are performed using the same type of local anesthesia administered during other dental procedures. Patients may experience the sensation of pressure while having a tooth removed, but they will not feel pain. Here are some cases when a dental extraction is necessary.
1. Your tooth is badly damaged
People with badly damaged teeth may require a dental extraction. Teeth that are severely broken or cracked may not be able to be repaired using dental bonding or dental crowns. In these cases, removing the tooth will prevent the chance of infection and also relieve a patient's pain.
2. Your teeth are loose
Loose teeth are a problem if they occur once a person has already lost their baby teeth. Teeth can become loose due to trauma or gum disease. If trauma occurs, your dentist can split your loose tooth to hold it steady until it heals. However, gum disease can cause irreversible lasting damage. If your gums and jawbone have begun to erode, a dental extraction may be the best solution for your loose tooth.
3. You have an untreatable tooth infection
Tooth infections can be serious. Since your teeth are located so close to your brain, infections in your mouth can quickly spread, leading to brain inflammation that can be life-threatening. Dentists usually treat tooth infections with root canal therapy and antibiotics. However, some severe infections do not respond to these treatments. If your tooth infection is resistant to treatment, a tooth extraction may be in order.
4. You are immunocompromised
Some people are immunocompromised, which means their immune systems don't function as well as they should. This condition can be caused by autoimmune disorders, certain cancer treatments, and some medications. People who are immunocompromised are at a more serious risk to get an infection, so dentists may preemptively remove teeth that are likely to become decayed and infected.
5. Your mouth is overcrowded
Nearly every adult has 32 teeth once all their permanent teeth have grown in. However, in some cases, all of these teeth won't fit evenly in an adult's mouth. If your teeth are too crowded, you could suffer from pain and dental impaction, which can cause tooth damage. Dentists can fix overcrowding by performing a dental extraction. Some dental extractions are routine, such as the removal of wisdom teeth to make space in the mouth.
To learn more about dental extractions, contact a local dental clinic near you.