Unsure About Dental Implants? ~ Must Know Information Everyone Should Know In Advance
Are you considering dental implants? If so, you may have concerns about how to care for them since they will be prosthetic teeth that are not removable. Perhaps you also have concerns about whether or not they are truly permanent. The following information will aid you in the best practices for taking care of dental implants and give you a better understanding of them.
Dental implants should be considered as semi-permanent solutions. This is because these procedures have an impressive success rate, but some people experience dental implant failure. This can happen during the healing time, or it may happen years later. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, dental implants can last anywhere from 10 years to a lifetime when they are properly cared for.
Causes of Dental Implant Failure
There are numerous reasons that dental implants may fail. Some of them are out of the control of patients. Wearing a mouthguard at night is an example of an action that a person with dental implants and bruxism can take to protect their dental implants from failing. An allergy to titanium, which is what some dental implants are made of is an example of something that is beyond patient control that could cause a dental implant to fail.
Proper Care
The one thing you will likely appreciate about getting dental implants is that you will take care of them like you take care of your natural teeth. This means that you can use the same type of toothpaste and floss that you use to take care of your natural teeth. You should brush twice a day for at least two minutes, and flossing is essential to ensure that plaque and bacteria around the gumline are removed. The presence of plaque and bacteria could cause you to get gum disease, which could negatively impact your dental implants. This is because gum disease depletes bone tissue, and your dental implants will require ample bone tissue to remain anchored in place.
Ensure that you are mindful of the things you eat during your healing time. Limit or avoid sticky and hard foods. Although dental implants are made of durable materials, they are artificial placements. Biting down on hard or sticky foods could cause recently placed dental implants to dislodge.
A cosmetic dentist is the best resource to use for additional information about dental implants and how they can improve your life. They can also give you more concrete examples of situations that could cause dental implants to fail.