Dental Stains Resistant To Bleaching

While bleaching and laser treatments are often very effective in the treatment of dental stains, there are some types of staining that may be resistant to this type of treatment. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, make an appointment with your dentist. He or she will recommend the most effective treatment option for your type of stains. Here are some types of dental staining that may be resistant to bleaching treatments and what you can do about them: Read More 

Three Key Attributes Of A Children’s Toothbrush

As soon as your child begins to get teeth, you should be thinking about getting him or her a toothbrush. While you'll be taking care of the brushing duties for the first while, it's important to teach your child how to properly brush and empower him or her to do so once the child is old enough. Buying the right toothbrush can be integral in this process. Your child's pediatric dentist can give you some things to watch for when you shop for a children's toothbrush, and may even give your child a new brush at the end of each appointment. Read More