Why You Should Not Ignore These Dental Issues

When a dental problem pops up, it can be difficult to decide what to do about it. Some dental problems can wait for your next appointment if it's not too far away. However, the below issues should be taken care of right away. Read on and learn what dental issues you should not ignore. 

Pain and Fever

When you suspect an infection, it might become not only a dental problem but something that could endanger your general health. Any time you are feeling unwell, are feverish, and have a painful sore on your gums, it's a dental emergency. Gum abscesses require antibiotic treatment to deal with the infection and the sooner the better. Common signs of a dental infection include any or all of these symptoms:

  • Painful gums
  • Fever
  • Swollen gums and/or lymph nodes
  • A pus-filled sore on the gums or a sore that has drained

Once your dentist has treated the infection, the cause of the infection should be identified and dealt with.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Some don't realize it, but a lost tooth can be reinserted into your mouth, and it might be saved if you act quickly. Phone your dentist immediately (if possible) and follow their instructions for preserving the tooth. Here is what to do in the meantime:

  1. Locate the tooth and handle it carefully. Don't touch the roots, if still attached, and hold it by the crown, which is the white enameled part.
  2. Gently rinse the tooth in cool water being careful not to disturb any attached tissue.
  3. Try to reinsert the tooth into your mouth. Don't do this if the person is very young or elderly or if there is any danger of swallowing the tooth and choking.
  4. If the tooth cannot be reinserted, put the tooth in warm water or milk and get to the dentist as soon as possible.

Broken Tooth

Some broken teeth can be saved depending on the extent of the damage and how quickly you act. Rinse your mouth gently with warm water but don't swish the water around because it could cause more damage. Take over-the-counter pain relievers for pain but avoid topical pain-relieving gels. Your dentist will X-ray your mouth to find out more about any unseen damage to the tooth and form a plan of action to save it or restore it in some manner. For minor tooth damage, your dentist might use dental cement. For a more serious break, a crown might be in order. If the inside of the tooth is badly damaged as well, a root canal and a crown might be needed.

Call your dentist if you require dental care.
